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发布时间:2021-09-29  来源:防水堵漏工程公司  浏览次数:


    (1) 防水卷材


     it is the first waterproof barrier of the whole project ad plays a vital role i the whole project. The mai products are asphalt waterproof coiled material ad polymer waterproof coiled material.

    1. Advatages of waterproof coiled material:

    It has the advatages of coveiet costructio, short costructio period, o maiteace after formig, o ifluece of air temperature, small evirometal pollutio, easy to master the layer thickess accordig to the desig requiremets, accurate material calculatio, coveiet costructio site maagemet, ot easy to cut corers, uiform layer thickess,并能有效克服空铺时基层的应力(基层出现较大裂缝时可保持防水层的完整x);


    (1) 耐水x


    (2) 温度稳定x


     the ability to maitai the origial performace uder a certai temperature chage. It is commoly expressed by heat resistace, heat resistace ad other idicators.

    (3) Mechaical stregth, elogatio ad fracture resistace

    It refers to the performace that the waterproof coiled material bears certai load, stress or does ot break uder certai deformatio coditios. It is usually expressed by idexes such as tesile force, tesile stregth ad elogatio at break.

    (4) Flexibility

    Flexibility refers to the ability to maitai flexibility at low temperatures. It is very importat to esure easy costructio ad o embrittlemet. It is usually expressed by flexibility, low temperature bedig ad other idicators.(5) 大气稳定x



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