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发布时间:2021-09-29  来源:防水堵漏工程公司  浏览次数:




    Qiglog SBS waterproof coiled material (elastomer modified waterproof coiled material)

    01 elastomer modified asphalt waterproof coiled material

    SBS waterproof coiled material (elastomer modified waterproof coiled material) is a modified asphalt waterproof coiled material made of polyester felt or glass fiber felt as tire base, styree butadiee styree (SBS) copolymer thermoplastic as modifier, ad polyethylee film, fie sad, powder or mieral material (sheet) o both sides.

    mai features

    ① It ot oly has the reliability of the origial asphalt waterproof, but also has the elasticity of rubber;

    ② Excellet high ad low temperature resistace, which ca be adapted all year roud;

    ③ The waterproof layer has high stregth,抗穿刺x、耐磨x、抗撕裂x、抗疲劳x;

    ④ 具有良好的延展x和承受基底裂纹的能力;

    ⑤ 在低温下仍能保持优异的x能,即使在寒冷气候下也能施工;

    ⑥ 可热熔搭接,接头密封可靠。


    ① 各种工业和民用建筑屋面工程的防水。

    ② 工业、民用建筑地下工程防水防潮,游泳池、消防池等构筑物防水。

    ③ 地铁、隧道、混凝土辅助路面桥面等市z工程防水。

    ④ Water coservacy facilities such as caals ad pools are waterproof.

    Hoghe brad app plastic modified asphalt waterproof coiled material

    Plastic modified asphalt waterproof coiled material

    APP modified asphalt waterproof coiled material is based o polyester felt, glass fiber felt ad glass fiber reiforced polyester felt,

    The waterproof coiled material is made of radom polypropylee or polyolefi polymer (apa0 APO, etc.) as the modifier of petroleum asphalt ad covered o both sides to hide the village material.

    mai features

    ① Good extesibility, weather resistace ad flexibility;

    ② Strog adhesio, high plasticity, high stregth, strog adaptability, impact resistace ad wear resistace:③ 优异的耐高低温x能,适用于寒冷和炎热地区,特别适用于高温环境下的防水;

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