发布时间:2021-09-30 来源:防水堵漏工程公司 浏览次数:
the thicker the film-formig thickess of the coatig, that is, the more the amout of materials per square meter, the more the waterproof quality ca be guarateed. I the actual project, whether the waterproof is well doe ad whether it is durable is oly determied by oe meas, that is, the acceptace of "closed water". After the costructio of the waterproof layer is completed, the plae is closed for 24h, the facade is cotiuously dreched for 30mi, ad the back is watertight, which shows that our waterproof is doe well ad ca be haded over.
The questio is, just passig the closed water test ca show that the waterproof ca be used for five, te, twety years or eve the same life as the structure? Of course ot.防水涂膜只涂薄一次,甚至达不到0.1mm,但防水涂膜层是连续的。在这个时候,当你关上水龙头时,你会漏水吗?答案是没有漏水。但这样的防水层能维持多久呢?毋庸置疑,后期抵抗结构变形的能力将在水泥砂浆的刚x保护或其他装饰过程中受到破坏。耐久x、防水x和使用寿命如何。
the polymer waterproof film shall ot be less tha 2.0mm, ad for the secodary waterproof (10-year service life), the polymer waterproof film shall ot be less tha 1.5mm. Regardless of the techical specificatios, the waterproof layer will be subject to fatigue cosumptio whe playig the waterproof fuctio. The deser ad thicker the film waterproof layer is, the loger it ca resist fatigue expasio.
2. The coatig is stretched due to structural cracks
The purpose of waterproof layer is ot to break ad maitai cotiuity whe cracks appear i the structure, so as to play the fuctio of impermeability. If the thickess d of the waterproof coatig film i Figure 1 is 2.0mm, whe the structure is deformed ad cracked,其厚度张力变为1.0mm。如果原厚度仅为0.3mm,当结构变形开裂时,涂膜会变薄甚至断裂,不会起到防水作用。