发布时间:2021-09-30 来源:防水堵漏工程公司 浏览次数:
1、 发展概况:
Chia has doe a lot of work o improvig petroleum asphalt with polymers ad preparig waterproof coatigs. I the mid-1960s, eopree asphalt waterproof coatig appeared, ad i the early 1970s, recycled rubber asphalt waterproof coatig appeared, which was successfully applied i egieerig.
I, the atioal Costructio Commissio held the first atioal roof waterproof coatig techology semiar i Zhejiag, Jiagsu Provice, made a historic summary of waterproof coatigs i Chia, ad idetified ad recommeded recycled rubber asphalt waterproof coatigs.
I, Chia published the Trial Provisios of quality idicators ad test methods of roof waterproof coatigs.水r液再生橡胶沥青防水涂料出现于年,并于年开始应用于工程中,成为我国使用量较大的一种防水涂料。利用再生橡胶改x石油沥青研制的水r液型或溶剂型防水涂料成为当时我国发展防水涂料的主要技术途径。
catioic eopree latex asphalt waterproof coatig ad silicoe rubber waterproof coatig, The developmet of waterproof coatigs i Chia has etered a ew period. Rubber asphalt ad sythetic polymer waterproof coatigs are takig up a icreasig proportio i the applicatio of waterproof egieerig i Chia. It has a log history i Chia that petroleum asphalt is used as the mai techical approach ad polymer is used for modificatio. It has a wide rage of raw materials ad low cost. It is suitable for geeral waterproof projects with large amout of surface light; The coatig maily made of sythetic polymer materials has excellet performace,
However, the price is high,适用于要求较高的防水工程。
随着防水涂料的发展,近年来,我国对沥青防水涂料、聚合物改x沥青防水涂料和合成聚合物防水涂料的主要品种制定了国家和行业标准,并规定了其试验方法和技术指标;4月,国家标准《屋面工程技术规范》(GB 7-94)发布,对我国防水涂料的质量要求、涂膜防水工程设计要点、施工方法、工程验收和养护等作出了明确规定。